New Skin...
Wooohoooo...How's my new Zi Lian Kuang Skin?? Nice?? Mong Huan right?? hehehe I so happy with this nice sial...anyway nothing much happen today...(I cant possibly run into the wrong house everyday ba...)
Anyway, this morning, my colleague spotted this alien thing on our carpet floor....3 of us squatted there sibei long until we finally fisuge out what is it and NB.....I want to puke sial.....
Can U figure out what is it??

Wa a dead frog lor!! How the hell this fucking frog get into our office?? Nb....i think already also shiver...yucks yucks yucks...
Anyway, as requested from Mr kevin...after he saw my Mong Huan photo, he asked me to do one for but the sad part is..he take pics really abit I make one very mong huan and lomantic de...
Sweet??? ^^

Although my face is red but still chio lor.... =P i dun care I dun care...I am still chio... hmph...
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