Bloggers are tough...

Do U think it is really easy to blog for alot of people?

Sunday, December 19

Just photos....

Nothing to write....only photos...enjoy....

Went to Miko's Pre Christmas Party at her office on Fri, this is her desk!

If u do read her blog, she is performing as Slyverster....Rock sial!!

Her colleague as Santa!!! Make me sit on his lap....machiam 3 yeatr old sial...

Me, Small Esther and Miko!

Then we headed down to Devils!!! My cousin actually booked a room at Orchard Parade Hotel so he can pi after devils....

My Cousin aka Da Ge Aka Clyde.....

Then I went for my show on Sat....We have 5 models....

Kyra, Me & Felicia!

Fiona also wanna Chap Zi Ka...

Then I meet up Miko, Kozen and Des Des for dinner! Wanns get a new specs, which one nice?

Then we went for my fav hobby, Arcade!!! I love this game!! Beside me is Kozen Dear!

Ok, going to sleep tired after all that catwalking in god..

Apple Aka Sophia Aka Poi

P/s: I got to apologive to Jo here, I lost her money....=( I am really sorry...


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