Short But Sweet Memories....
This is specially dedicated to my baobei...

Baobei, u can still call me baobei cos i am not going to let anyone call me this..except u and only u...
His nick is Addiction and mine is Poisonlady...We get to knew each other in flowerpod chatroom which is last year think in Nov (i cant remember the date)...We chatted everyday for quite some time and there was once the chatroom was down, i invited him to go to chatzy to chat...and for the few days, although there was only two of us in the room...we had enjoyed talking to each other alot...
When we finally meet up and the first time we really saw each other, it was at Balacalva@Suntec City. What happen is, I actually called him first to ask him to recommend me a nice place for drinking and since i never seen him before, I invited him to join me and Wen for a drink...
He agreed straightaway which surprised me..i thought he wont show his face in Flowerpod.....however...a few mins later, he actually changed his mind and smsed me he couldnt turn up cos he was working quite far at that time...but i manage to sort of threaten him and he rush down to meet us...
When he turned up, he was wearing a black shirt( which i think is not suitable for his small frame) and black pants that time (black is he favourite colour) and i still remember i wore a white halter with black pants...he was pretty small sized and gave me a very neat impression..very young-looking with a funky hairstyle..he also have a very nice pairs of eyes...we were actually relieved that he didnt turn out like some ugly ah pek...I didnt have any feeling for him then...he was very quiet...totally different from the chatroom...I was talking alot most of the time and entertaining him and wen...and i also discovered that he likes to tear off the label on his beer..although he didnt really talk much but he make me laugh always...even till now...
That was our first meeting...
Soon after that..we went out very drink, play pool, arcade, chat....he was suppose to fly off to Laos a few weeks later at that time so the bunch of us kept organizing outings and gatherings for him...
i think the time where we really felt something for each other was at Newton circle when we were having supper after centro....We tot it was a last meeting for both of us but the next day, we actually declare our love for each other in MSN...
He delayed and postpone his flight cos he wanted to be with me longer..we had a lot of great time together...although it was short but..very very sweet...
That was a short summarise story of how we knew each other and how we fell in love...I flew to Laos to meet him after that and 1 month later, he flew back to see me also...we had alot of fun and laughters together...not a day was bored for both of us....we cherish every moment together...
The Happy Moment In Laos..
We both had officially declare that 7TH JAN 2004 is the date that we are together as a couple and today, 25TH MAY 2004 is the day where we both ended this relationship...

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