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Monday, May 24

The book is on the table table tabletabletable

Good Morning all!!!!! 2 days neber write my miss me? no huh......nvm...i dun care... ^^ i am in a good mood today...y? Cos i am still chio as ever..LOL

Well, been cheonging for 3 days last week and this week, i got to study for my exams... (sian...) this time is 400 over pages...

*Tee gong po pi i pass this time, gam sia, muakz & hugz*

I think i am now officially in the fan club of devils bar liao,

FYI, Miss Miko is my dear president and the song i am playing now is specially dedicated for her...why? cos this is her fav cum theme song...when u go devils on fri/sat and when the dj played this song, u will see a lady standing on the bartop shouting on top of her lungs "table table table tabletabletable"...that's her *wink*

Anyway, I am proud to be one cos they sold alot more booze than Zouk (zouk fans, dun slap me ><)Dun belive me? Read the article below:

Click Here for evidence

Hm..i got nothing much to lor soh pics to show u also (sorry namska, bikini pics will be follow-up soon)

Enjoy ur Monday today! (hard but try)


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