Monday blues do exist....
Got the pics finally...(actually is i copy from ss's web..) I look like shit...
Due to ppl tot this is miko's blog...i got to reverse the photos...put mine first...-_-
Me And SS should have put on some lipstick...haiz
Miko And SS Miko also look damn tired...
Miko, Me & SS! miko(same tired look) Me(haiz..) SS( Smile like very mian qiang hor)
Same, Same Same! hur hur hur
(Due techinal photos will be shown here.....sorry..)
Ok...see chio bus got to listen to my complains...i need to shout and scream and rant..
NB...NB....FUCK U...FUCK U....CB....CB...TAMADE...TAMEDA....KNN....KNN...KNS...KNS...PUI...PUI..
**Note: in case u are curious on why do i scold all in 2s...cos i am a libra...i am a fair person...I believe in "Hao Si Chen Shuang"
This morning, i was in a damn happy mood...had a Mcdonalds breakfast which consist of Turkey Bacon, egg and cheese bagel, a hashbrown and a ice tea...see, such a nice breakfast should have a nice beutiful day ahead de ma...But...some idiots make me damn pek chek and TL...spoli my mon...
Nvm...then i heard some bad news..tonight happy happy want to go drinking..but..miko told me she wan to cut hair.. -_- , queen cannot go..-_-, joelyn no money.. -_- wendy siao siao one..-_- ...good..left me alone go Devils for fuck...
See the way i type today damn pek chek hor..if u are in a foul mood also, leave some comments and we can combine force and scold idiotic people ard us...
*Note: the idiotic people does not consist of the names being mention above.
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